
The Memphremagog Yacht Club in Newport, Vermont consists mostly of recreational sailors, with varying experience and skill, from both the U.S. and Canada. The lake offers spectacular sailing with its surrounding mountains, rocky islands and uncrowded waters. We welcome new members—both sailors and motor boaters. Most of our members keep their boats at City Dock and its moorings, Newport Marina, or Eastside Marina. A few members also belong to clubs across the border. Learn more about becoming a member.

The Club was established in 1908. Over the past 110 years, club houses were built, and either lost to fire or sold, races were conducted, and boating interests ranged from canoeing to motoring to sailing. Visit Our History for a more detailed history.

Launch and Haul-out

The Club’s essential functions include providing keel boat launch and haul out services, which are not readily available elsewhere on the US side of the Lake. The club facilitates a group crane rental in May and October of each year. Crane-assisted mast stepping is also available. While crane service is primarily used by club members, non-members may inquire about participation as needed. Contact us for more information.

Social Events & Fun Races

Annual social events are our August Annual Meeting—where board members are elected, club concerns are discussed, and good food is enjoyed by all—and the Winter Outing—offering an off-season time to reconnect with friends and reminisce about past boating adventures—usually in January.

We are a small and friendly sailing community, greatly enriched by our international membership. Having trouble getting your engine started? Wondering what rig tuning is all about? You can ask the club member a few slips down and you will find a deep level of knowledge and experience and willingness to share.

The club also hosts monthly fun sailing races during the season, with some open to other clubs. The goal is to have fun, but that doesn’t mean participants don’t take racing seriously. There is a healthy sense of competition—as there should be—or else it wouldn’t be a race! Sailors new to racing are encouraged to participate, and the races provide an excellent opportunity to hone skills and learn about the rules of sailing racing. Races are usually followed by an early evening meal, which club members volunteer to organize on a rotating basis.

Navigational Marks

The Club maintains the Lake’s navigational marks—buoys and hazard marks—for the benefit of all Lake users. There’s an annual opportunity to participate in the setting and removal of these marks. If you are interested, please contact us.